DKT WomanCare Global Launches Silverline IUD and Ipas MVA in Armenia, Expanding Contraceptive and Safe Abortion Access

Category: Contraception, Safe Abortion

DKT WomanCare Global is proud to announce the successful launch of the Silverline Copper Intrauterine Device (IUD) and Ipas Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) technology in Yerevan, Armenia. From September 9th through the 12th, a total of 64 healthcare providers and 3 students had the chance to discover the two products. As part of this initiative, 9 comprehensive product presentations were showcased, including video demonstrations exhibiting the effectiveness of Silverline IUD contraception and Ipas MVA as a safe uterine evacuation option.

This launch highlights our commitment to expanding access to high-quality contraception and safe abortion products, empowering healthcare providers with the tools and knowledge needed to improve women’s health services in Armenia. A special thanks to Nodar Gvetadze for leading the presentations, and everyone involved in making the launch a success!

More about Silverline
More about Ipas MVA

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Tags: Armenia, HealthcareInnovation, IUD, mva, ReproductiveHealth, WomenCare
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