Purpose: this policy affirms DKT WomanCare Global’s (WCG) commitment to providing high quality services and operating environments for our suppliers, partners, and customers. The policy ensures that WCG provides the right resources and operating mechanisms to effectively deliver on its mission to be a leader in delivery of sexual and reproductive health products globally. WCG endeavours to exceed customer expectations for quality, safety, sustainability, cost, delivery, and value. Additionally, we are dedicated to creating a profitable business culture that is based on the following principles and objectives:

  • Implementing an effective recruitment and talent retention program to ensure the organization has effective human resources to deliver on its objectives.
  • Create a healthy and challenging working environment where associates are encouraged to take risks and initiatives without the fear to be blamed
  • Create synergies between functions and avoid silos effects
  • Sustain pragmatism and enterprenership spirit while rejecting bureaucracy
  • Equitable sharing in the success of the company.
  • Empowerment through training and communication.
  • Foster Individual development, growth, and equal opportunity.
  • Designing and providing a safe and secure work environment.


Customer needs are paramount and represent the highest priority within our business. Our obligation is to proactively seek out and define customer needs while ensuring our human resources and systems are optimized to meet customer requirements, provide optimal customer services, and ensure customer satisfaction. WCG is committed to:

  • Remain highly responsive to customer requests and ensure customer satisfaction
  • Strive for win-win and mutual respect
  • Stay close to our customers and listen to their needs.
  • Search for solutions to meet our customers’ requirements.
  • Help our customers on the development and growth of their business and Support them technically with our acquired acknowledgement in the contraceptive and safe abortion domain.


Suppliers are essential and represent a core component of our business. Our obligation is to develop and maintain strong relationships with suppliers to proactively ensure we procure and deliver high quality products at affordable costs to our customers globally. WCG is committed to:

  • Remain highly responsive to supplier requests and requirements
  • Create and maintain close supplier relationships to proactively identify any risks to the supply chain
  • Collaboratively find solutions to any supply chain delays or to resolve any customer complaints
  • Continuously review business alignment and search for cost savings in the supply chain


WCG is committed to supporting the communities within which we operate. We believe in the practice of social responsibility and encourage similar behavior in our employees and suppliers. We support the conservation of the physical environment and the prevention of pollution at our company. We proactively comply with all applicable Health & safety, environmental, legal, and regulatory requirements to which we subscribe. WCG is committed to:

  • Respect all the applicable regulatory requirements related to our activities and our products.
  • Promote an environnemental Policy, favorite environnemental protective solutions.


Beginning with a clear definition of customers’ and suppliers’ expectations and company mission, we strive to consistently meet or exceed them. We adhere to all applicable standards and customer and supplier-specific requirements and endeavor to provide processes that ensure we achieve this to build a robust and world class business. WCG is committed to:

  • Maintain the effectiveness of each process of the Quality Management System.
  • Ensure the understanding of Quality Management System throughout the entire company.

Lauren Archer
The 22th of January 2024
